Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tanti auguri a tutti per un prospero e felice 2011.

Pensavo che la receptionist avesse vinto a mani basse la competizione "Messaggi di Auguri Assurdi" ma i clienti indiani l'hanno surclassata.

Non ho ancora finito di leggere le e-mail che si sono accumulate durante la mia assenza ma, per cominciare, Vi offro i seguenti messaggi:

As the new year blossoms, may the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities, your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love! Happy New Year!

Dear Allesandra

Wish you and your family a very Krishna Conscious happy new year

Il secondo e' il mio preferito! Come posso fare a rendere il mio 2011 adeguatamente "Krishna Conscious"?


ES said...

Happy "Krishna" new year?? Genius.
I think happy "Ganesh" new year might be more desirable though. ;-)

AZ said...

It's actually "Krishna conscious". Come on, I know that you have some good ones too: share :-)

P.S. Yep, 2011 will be a Ganesh year Inshallah (note the mix of religions...)

ES said...

I don't think I have anything that rivals KC new year!
I think the mix of religions is good... it creates numerous reasons to celebrate (i.e. have a party..) ;-)