Saturday, July 12, 2008


Ad esempio quando uno squalo balena si spiaggia in centro citta'...Copio e incollo articolo dell'Oman Observer (notate la data del giornale...)

Saturday July 12, 2008 / Rajab 9, 1429 AH

Stranded whale shark dies at Al Athaiba

MUSCAT — Al Athaiba residents witnessed the unfortunate death of a beautiful whale shark last weekend. The shark had become entangled in fishing nets at about 8 am and despite the best efforts of the fishermen to release the creature as quickly as possible, it is believed the shark died before being washed into shallow waters close to the Azaiba Clothing Factory. At 3 pm the tail of the shark was clearly visible above the water about 7 metres from the water’s edge.
Locals enjoying an afternoon walk spotted the dead animal and informed the Coast Guard who immediately responded by sending an ROP vessel to investigate. As the body of the shark began to be washed ashore many onlookers gathered to admire the majestic beast as it rolled in the surf. At about 5 metres in length the fish was obviously still very young and only about one tenth of its adult size. Whale sharks can grow to 12m in length and weigh around 21 tonnes. In order to avoid the health risks of allowing the fish to rot on the beach, the ROP decided to tow the carcass out to sea.
Local resident John Kelly assisted the ROP by attaching a rope to the tail of the shark and with the help of his children Lewis and Mia, the shark was gently pushed back into the sea and towed away by an ROP speedboat. Whale sharks are extremely gentle creatures which feed on macro-algae, plankton, krill and small squid. Normally swimming close to the surface they can become entangled in fishing nets or be struck by boats. They are often spotted by sports divers as they cruise slowly along in the waters around the Oman coastline.

Anche questa volta mi sono persa il cetaceo arenato in citta' e il dinamico intervento della Royal Omani Police perche' coinvolta in un boat trip del venerdi'. Niente delfini in giro (pare che faccia troppo caldo...) ma e' stato avvistato all'ingresso di una grotta il simpatico serpente di mare. E, come sempre, via tutti a nuotare con le mani chiuse a pugno verso la barca! Ho scoperto che qui vivono circa 20 specie di serpente di mare tutte piu' o meno velenose. Aggiungendo squali a migliaia, meduse, balene, razze e non so che altro mi domando perche' continuo a fare il bagno in mare...

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